
Posts tagged with :chains:

_Solana blockchain_ has been overrun with racist _"memecoins"_ in latest cryptocurrency trend Crypto tokens named after racial slurs, Nazi imagery, and anti-Semitic conspiracies are gaining steam. Source: Mashable
Today again I learned more about how Blockchain and Tokens works and design a decentralized project based on it! I still have to learn more things to be able to build something useful, but having and idea is the start!!!
Today I'm following the Custom Blockchain Workshop by @heyrajan! I didn't had time to join earlier today but I'm working on it on my own to learn more! :ethereum:
The exhibition model enables you to observe a functioning network of blockchain-traded energy and interact with an artificial sun to see its effect on the network in real-time.
Oh my god, school is taking up so much of my time. Did lots of math and physics homework and that’s about it, a tiny bit of Duckcoin refactoring and research into on-dish hashmaps for storing the blockchain. Also look at this freaking perfect photo of Robert from zephyr
i am the chain queen
I'm glad to announce the launch of <http://connectdome.com|ConnectDome>! We have officially launched our alpha and the best part for all developers out there, our alpha version is free to use! You can try it right now at - connectdome.com From 1:1 developer matches and tailored project recommendations to direct connections with developers and creators of projects, ConnectDome does everything to help you build the projects you always wanted to and actually make a difference using a superpower, code 😛 We can schedule a talk about this too at - calendly.com/connectdome/conference-founder
https://cloud-72exenxwl.vercel.app/0screen_shot_2021-02-01_at_12.09.27_am.png https://cloud-72exenxwl.vercel.app/1screen_shot_2021-01-29_at_11.04.20_am.png